Yonghui Superstores giftcard

Yonghui Superstores gift card

Buy Yonghui Superstores gift cards with Bitcoin, USDT, USDC and other Crypto. 永辉超市成立于2001年,2010年在A股上市,股票代码601933.SH,是中国企业500强之一,国家级“流通”及“农业产业化”双龙头企业。作为中国大陆首批将生鲜农产品引进现代超市的流通企业之一,永辉超市被国家七部委誉为中国“农改超”推广的典范,通过农超对接,以生鲜特色经营及物美价廉的商品受到百姓认可,被誉为“民生超市、百姓永辉”。 在发展过程中,永辉超市积极承担企业社会责任,在农超对接、保供稳价、应急救灾等行动中努力发挥带头、骨干的示范作用,同时,永辉超市积极促进就业,为员工提供多元化的人才培养项目,激发组织活力,推进员工与企业的共同成长。 Yonghui Superstores, established in 2001, went public on the A-share market in 2010 with the stock code 601933.SH. It is one of the top 500 Chinese enterprises and a leading national company in both the "distribution" and "agricultural industrialization" sectors. As one of the first mainland Chinese companies to introduce fresh agricultural products into modern supermarkets, Yonghui Superstores has been recognized by seven ministries of the Chinese government as a model for promoting "agricultural reform in supermarkets." Through the integration of agriculture and supermarkets, Yonghui Superstores has gained public recognition for its fresh and affordable products, earning the reputation of being a "supermarket for the people" and "Yonghui for the people." Throughout its development, Yonghui Superstores has actively taken on corporate social responsibility, demonstrating leadership and setting an example in actions such as integrating agriculture and supermarkets, ensuring supply stability and price control, and participating in emergency disaster relief efforts. Simultaneously, Yonghui Superstores actively promotes employment, providing diversified talent development programs for employees to stimulate organizational vitality and foster mutual growth between employees and the company.

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Redeemable China


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Can you use Bitcoin or Crypto to pay for Yonghui Superstores

Cryptorefills offers an easy way to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to pay for Yonghui Superstores. Purchase Yonghui Superstores gift cards with your cryptocurrency. As Yonghui Superstores doesn't accept Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies directly

How to buy Yonghui Superstores gift card with Crypto, like Bitcoin

You can easily convert your Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies to a digital gift card. Enter the desired amount for the gift card and choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, including BTC (Lightning Network), LTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, PYUSD, DAI, EUROC, FDUSD, and DAI on Avalanche, Polygon, Solana, Tron, Base, Binance Chain, World Chain and Arbitrum network. Alternatively, you can also pay using Gate.io Binance. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive the code for your gift card

When will I receive my Yonghui Superstores product

You can expect quick delivery via email. Your product is also visible at your Cryptorefills account, typically within minutes of your purchase.

I didn’t receive the gift card I paid for

Once the payment is confirmed, please make sure to recheck all your inboxes (spam, promotions, socials, or other folders).

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