Matas giftcard

Matas gift card

Buy Matas gift cards with Bitcoin, USDT, USDC and other Crypto. Køb et Matas gavekort her, levering på få sekunder Vil du gerne overraske en du holder af med et gavekort til Matas, så kan du nu på få sekunder sende et gavekort til Matas via mobilen. Hos Matas kan modtager frit vælge mellem et hav af skønheds– og pleje produkter fra en masse forskellige brands. Glæd en du holder af Matas gavekortet er den perfekte gave, da det er et meget anvendeligt gavekort for alle, da de fleste på et eller andet tidspunkt, skal have fyldt op i sine kropspleje produkte Gavekortet til Matas sendes direkte til modtagers mobiltelefon på få sekunder, uden porto eller gebyr. Gavekortet kan efterfølgende indløses i en af Matas butikkerne landet over eller på Matas' webshop. Hos Matas kan du finde alt indenfor personlig pleje, hvor du får kvalitet for rimelige penge. Matas har 294 butikker fordelt i hele Danmark, og når du handler i Matas kan du modtage råd og vejledning af Matas’ personale, som er uddannede materialister.
Buy a Matas gift card here, delivery in seconds If you want to surprise someone you care about with a gift card for Matas, you can now send a gift card to Matas via your mobile in a few seconds. At Matas, the recipient can freely choose between a sea of ​​beauty and care products from a lot of different brands. Delight someone you care about with the Matas gift card is the perfect gift, as it is a very useful gift card for everyone, as most people at one point or another must have filled up their body care products The gift card for Matas is sent directly to the recipient's mobile phone in a few seconds , without postage or fees. The gift card can subsequently be redeemed in one of the Matas stores across the country or on Matas' webshop. At Matas you can find everything within personal care, where you get quality for reasonable money. Matas has 294 stores throughout Denmark, and when you shop in Matas you can receive advice and guidance from Matas' staff, who are trained materialists.

Instant delivery

May only be redeemable in Denmark


Estimated price



Praktisk info * Gavekortet kan indløses i alle Matas butikker landet over, samt på eller i Matas’ webshop * Der kan benyttes flere gavekort pr. køb. Sådan indløser du gavekortet i butikken * Matas gavekortet bliver sendt pr. Mail eller SMS med personlig hilsen, samt et unikt link med sit gavekort til Matas * Modtageren trykker på linket, og kan se sit Matas gavekort (Dette kan også printes ud) * Personalet scanner stregkoden og gavekortet bliver dermed indløst Sådan indløser du gavekortet på webshoppen * Du vælger de produkter du ønsker modtager * Udfylder din leveringsinformationer * På betalingssiden indtaster du din gavekortskode OBS: Kan IKKE benyttes i "rabatkode" feltet OBS: Ved aktivering af "Vis gavekorts kode" frafalder din fortrydelsesret.

Practical info * The gift card can be redeemed in all Matas stores nationwide, as well as on or in Matas' webshop * Several gift cards can be used per purchase. How to redeem the gift card in the store * Mata's gift card will be sent per Mail or SMS with a personal greeting, as well as a unique link with his gift card to Matas * The recipient clicks on the link and can see his Matas gift card (This can also be printed out) * The staff scans the barcode and the gift card is thus redeemed How to redeem the gift card on the webshop * You choose the products you want to receive * Fill in your delivery information * On the payment page you enter your gift card code NOTE: Cannot be used in the "discount code" field NOTE: By activating "Show gift card code" your right of cancellation waives.

Can you use Bitcoin or Crypto to pay for Matas

Cryptorefills offers an easy way to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to pay for Matas. Purchase Matas gift cards with your cryptocurrency. As Matas doesn't accept Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies directly

How to buy Matas gift card with Crypto, like Bitcoin

You can easily convert your Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies to a digital gift card. Enter the desired amount for the gift card and choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, including BTC (Lightning Network), LTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, PYUSD, DAI, EUROC, FDUSD, and DAI on Avalanche, Polygon, Solana, Tron, Base, Binance Chain, World Chain and Arbitrum network. Alternatively, you can also pay using Binance. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive the code for your gift card

When will I receive my Matas product

You can expect quick delivery via email. Your product is also visible at your Cryptorefills account, typically within minutes of your purchase.

I didn’t receive the gift card I paid for

Once the payment is confirmed, please make sure to recheck all your inboxes (spam, promotions, socials, or other folders).

I have an other question, how can I get help?

Take a look at our help page.