Darwin Delrosario
3 Min read
Want to withdraw USDT from Crypto.com to your bank account? This guide will show you how to convert USDT to fiat currency and withdraw it seamlessly.
Most banks do not accept cryptocurrency deposits, so you first need to convert USDT to fiat (USD, EUR, etc.) on Crypto.com before withdrawing it to your bank.
Tip: Ensure you check Crypto.com’s exchange rates and fees before selling USDT.
Tip: Some banks may reject crypto-related transactions. If that happens, use an alternative exchange like Binance or Kraken for withdrawals.
If Crypto.com doesn’t support bank withdrawals in your country, try:
Instead of converting USDT to fiat and paying fees, why not use USDT directly for everyday purchases? Cryptorefills allows you to spend your crypto on:
By using Cryptorefills, you avoid exchange fees and use USDT instantly for real-world products and services.
Typically 1-5 business days, depending on your bank and location.
Fees vary based on the payment method. Crypto.com may charge network and withdrawal fees.
No, you must first convert it to fiat currency before withdrawing.
If you need fiat, withdrawing USDT from Crypto.com to your bank is a straightforward process. But if you want to avoid fees and use USDT directly, Cryptorefills is the best option for spending your crypto on real-world products.