BookLive giftcard

BookLive gift card

Buy BookLive gift cards with Bitcoin, USDT, USDC and other Crypto. BookLive Digital Prepaid Card is a digital prepaid card that can be exchanged for BookLive points that can be used to purchase manga, magazines, and books at BookLive, one of the largest e-book stores in Japan. [BookLive is so amazing!!] With one of the largest collections in Japan, you may find something that is not sold anywhere else! More than 1 million e-books are on sale! Popular books are being distributed one after another! We have daily campaigns such as free and half-price! Most of the e-books sold at BookLive are cheaper and more advantageous than paper books. You can buy them at a better price than anywhere else. Safe with cloud bookshelf Books purchased are stored in My Bookshelf on the cloud server, and bookshelf information and bookmarks of the app installed on the device are also stored. Even if you change to a new device, you can continue reading as before by syncing with My Bookshelf.
ブックライブ デジタルプリペイドカードとは、国内最大級の電子書籍ストア「ブックライブ」でマンガや雑誌、書籍のご 購入にご利用いただけるブックライブポイントに交換できるデジタルのプリペイドカードです。 【ブックライブってこんなにすごい!!】 国内最大級の蔵書数だから他で売ってないものが見つかるかも! 100 万冊以上の電子書籍を販売中! 話題の本も続々配信! 無料・半額などのお得なキャンペーンを毎日実施中! ブックライブで扱う電子書籍のほとんどが紙の本より安くてお得。他よりもお 得に買えちゃいます クラウド本棚で安心 買った本はクラウドサーバ上のMy 本棚に保管され、端末にインストールしたアプリの本棚情報やしおりも保管されます。 新しい端末に買い替えても、My 本棚と同期することで、今までどおり読み続けることができます。

Instant delivery

Redeemable Japan


Estimated price



■ How to use the BookLive digital prepaid card Please register as a member at the BookLive store ( Enter your "code number" (16 digits) and "PIN number" (4 digits) at [Click here if you have a prepaid card] ( in the BookLive store. BookLive points will be credited to your account. Use them to purchase your favorite e-books.
■ ブックライブ デジタルプリペイドカードのご利用について ブックライブストア(にて会員登録をしてください。 お手元の「コード番号」(16ケタ)と「PIN番号」(4ケタ)をブックライブストア内の[プリペイドカードをお持ちの方はこちら](から入力してください。 ブックライブポイントがあなたのアカウントに付与されます。お好みの電子書籍のご購入にご利用ください。 

Can you use Bitcoin or Crypto to pay for BookLive

Cryptorefills offers an easy way to use Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to pay for BookLive. Purchase BookLive gift cards with your cryptocurrency. As BookLive doesn't accept Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies directly

How to buy BookLive gift card with Crypto, like Bitcoin

You can easily convert your Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies to a digital gift card. Enter the desired amount for the gift card and choose the cryptocurrency you want to use for payment, including BTC (Lightning Network), LTC, ETH, USDC, USDT, PYUSD, DAI, EUROC, FDUSD, and DAI on Avalanche, Polygon, Solana, Tron, Base, Binance Chain, World Chain and Arbitrum network. Alternatively, you can also pay using Binance. Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive the code for your gift card

When will I receive my BookLive product

You can expect quick delivery via email. Your product is also visible at your Cryptorefills account, typically within minutes of your purchase.

I didn’t receive the gift card I paid for

Once the payment is confirmed, please make sure to recheck all your inboxes (spam, promotions, socials, or other folders).

I have an other question, how can I get help?

Take a look at our help page.